Video Training Classes
For training at home, we recorded one of our interactive classes at our factory. The full series of 6 videos - with over 4 hours of video traning content - can be streamed from
The Dynon Channel.
These comprehensive videos feature hours of classroom content and the same material as our in person, hands-on training.
Part 1:
Button Pushing and Knob Twisting
Part 2:
Menus, Feature Overview, and Buttons
Part 3:
Moving Map Basics
Part 4:
Start-up & Taxi / Primary Flight
Part 6:
Flight Planning and Additional Features
Subscribe to the Dynon Channel to make sure you get the upcoming episodes in this series.
In-Person Class Schedule
We do not currently have classes scheduled at our Woodinville, WA headquarters, but we are constantly adding additional training videos to
The Dynon Channel.
Subscribe to the Dynon Channel to be notified of new videos as they are added.
Keep watching this page and subscribe to our newsletter for information about future classes.